Dinnie Moeahu New chair of the Community Development Committee
What an incredible moment it was to stand side by side with fellow councillor Te Waka McLeod as we swore our oath to office together today. So many emotions felt from arriving into a packed chambers. As I looked across the room to see my two beautiful sisters sitting down, and in the middle of them was a large framed photo of Mum. The passion only amplified when whānau came together and honoured us with a haka.
Since the announcement was made that I’ll be chairing the newly formed Community Development Committee I have been inundated with phone calls, emails and messages from organisations who are wanting to meet with me and discuss potential future opportunities and collaborations.
This will be a huge undertaking and I’m not naive to the challenges ahead which will require strong partnerships from all sectors of the community. For those organisations and people who’ve reached out to me already, I shall be in touch with you over the coming days/weeks to book in some meetings.
Thank you Ngamotu New Plymouth for allowing me to continue serving you for another term. I’m grateful for the opportunity and I cannot wait to get to work.
He waka eke noa – We’re all in this together.
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