Great new developments for the Kaūpokonui Stream 2021
Congratulations to Kaūpokonui Catchment Community, second place award winners in the Cawthron New Zealand River Story Awards sponsored by the Ministry for the Environment.
Fish can move freely up and down Kaūpokonui Stream for the first time in 120 years thanks to the removal of a disused weir – an example of putting Te Mana o Te Wai first (the life-supporting capacity of water).
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust led the charge to remove the 3m high weir, which is located on private land, about 5km off the coast of South Taranaki. Fonterra Kāpuni, Taranaki Fish and Game, South Taranaki District Council and the Taranaki Regional Council also contributed to the project.” Cawthron Institute.
2:59 28/2/24
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