Taranaki 2050 in Conversation – Maori Economic Development
This Taranaki 2050 in conversation event was a collaboration with He Toronga Pakihi ki Taranaki, the Māori Business Network, on Māori economic development and enterprise.
The future vision of Taranaki is one of thriving businesses and meaningful jobs, environmental sustainability, a low-emissions profile, and an inclusive region where no one is left behind; a region that looks out for and cares for itself and its people.
We held an informative and engaging speakers’ series called Taranaki 2050 in Conversation, between 31 March and 30 June 2022, to discuss how we might reach this ambitious goal.
Taranaki 2050 in Conversation was a series of events that aimed to spark thought about the region’s next steps and generate conversation about the strategic and future direction of Taranaki, as well as offering practical tools you could apply in your own enterprise. 1:36:50
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