Taranaki 2050 in conversation: Our energy landscape 2050
Taranaki 2050 in conversation: Our energy landscape 2050 with Jacob Snelgrove, Professor Nicola Gaston, and Amelia Rentzios.
What might everyday energy usage look like in 2050? Will we all drive EVs, or take hydrogen-powered trains, or fly in electric planes? Will renewables provide us all of our electricity, or will other energy sources contribute to powering our lives and businesses? Are there new sources of zero-carbon energy we have not yet even considered? And how might Taranaki play a part in this new energy future? These questions, and more, will be considered and debated by our panel of experts.
Featuring Air New Zealand’s Sustainability Manager Jacob Snelgrove, on how a large company in a hard-to-decarbonise industry is front-footing energy change; Professor Nicola Gaston, Co-Director of the MacDiarmid Institute, on how science can unlock opportunities in energy creation we don’t know exist yet; and Amelia Rentzios, Operations Manager at Hiringa, on how we can tap into our existing strengths and capabilities as New Zealand’s ‘oil and gas’ province, to become New Zealand’s ‘energy’ province. 1.28:35
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