Taranaki’s Riparian Management Programme – success story
Under the Council’s award-winning Riparian Management Programme, thousands of kilometres of streambanks and wetlands are being fenced and planted to protect and enhance the region’s waterways.
Fencing streambanks keeps stock out of waterways and vegetation helps to trap and filter run-off from pasture. Planting provides shading, food and shelter for wildlife and encourages biodiversity in rivers and streams. All of these aspects generally support water quality.
Taranaki’s Riparian Management Programme is believed to be the largest and longest-running environmental enhancement planting scheme on private land in New Zealand. It is transforming the Taranaki ring plain and has been recognised with a Green Ribbon Award from the Ministry for the Environment, and awards from the Geospatial World Forum and the NZ Resource Management Law Association. Jul 30 2021
3:42 12/10/23
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