The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme) Taranaki Regional Awards-October 27 2022
This is a sampler of the YES (The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme) Taranaki Regional Awards-October 27.
I was not commissioned to do this video. Rather I was there to represent the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce and present an award on behalf of Graphix and Shane Devlin. I like to filming young people doing outstanding things.
It was a fantastic evening. Missing from this video are Andrea Leadbetter, TGM presenting the Social Media & Marketing Award, Ideation Validation Award-WITT and the Enhancing Rural Communities Award-Barbara Kuriger MP. However, the video does captures the magic of the evening.
The judges for this event were Eve Kawana-Brown (Massey University) Dr Jan Lockett-Kay (WITT) and Ngaio Mārama (Toi Foundation). 10:56
Bryan Vickery Media
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